Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Great expectations

Ok, so I didn't think I was going to post something again quite so soon however it appears that I have quite a bit to say (I can just see my friends laughing out loud at that comment).

Right now I'm happy. Really really happy. Content even. But it's taken me a long while to get here. I'm not embarrassed to admit I'm an idealist, there are things that I think should "be a certain way" (cue friends giggling again). For example, as mentioned earlier I was someone who only intended on getting married once. In light of events over the last two years I have had to make adjustments to my ideals the most poignant of which is grasping the idea that I may have more than one marriage. I'm now a statistic (never mind I became one when I tied the knot, people only ever call you one when you cut it loose) which is something to wrap your head around.

I have a dear friend, a very creative, opinionated and multi-talented friend. Who has high expectations of not only herself but of others too. It got me thinking about today and how us "Gen Y'ers" suffer from "Great Expectations." It must be noted that there is a division between those of us that find themselves among this generation but who are more than willing to work at it for as long as is needed to gain recognition, compared to those who feel they just "deserve" it. This friend of mine and myself are the former.

Patience is a virtue, it's strange to think that in some aspects of my life I am clearly the most impatient and intolerant person alive (don't get me started on crying children, in supermarkets, movies, on planes, in restaurants or just in the street - NOT a fan) when it comes to career I am more than comfortable putting in the hard yards or taking a pay cut to go in the direction I want to go. I need to walk before I can run.

The "Great Expectations" of the youth of today's society can be to their detriment if they aren't passionate enough to stick it out. This friend of mine is, as am I. I find it highly irritating to listen to young people talk like they are owed something and am even more irritated when I get lumped in with them just because I was born in 1981. Some of us actually get it.

It can be easy to become disheartened or think it's not worth it or to put pipe dreams in the "too hard basket," but if everyone did that then there wouldn't be the Steven Spielbergs and Steven Jobs' of the world (perhaps I should be looking for husband #2 with a name like Steven....) so for people like my good friend I am grateful because it is through these kind of passionate and creative souls that we can hope to inspire those who just go to work to earn a dollar without truly feeling like they are satisfied. I want to be satisfied which is why I don't settle, neither does my friend. It's a harder life to live sometimes, to not take the easy option when it can seem so appealing.

We just need to be patient and the payoff will come, maybe not right away but it will. There's a large amount of trust you have, with yourself. Trust that you know you can do something and follow it through.

Now that is satisfaction.


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